Hi everyone and welcome to my September newsletter.
I hope that you are well. I have to apologise for the fact that this newsletter is rather late. I went down to Melbourne (well Buninyong actually) to help my daughter get sorted out after her recent move and whilst I had a great time, I was very busy and didn’t get a chance to finish my newsletter and send it out. So sorry about that.

It was wonderful to see Lexi’s new place and Buninyong is a lovely village. Plus, as kidding has started early this year, I even got to see some of the very young kids. They really are so cute. There were also plenty of young lambs and calves about the place. There is definitely something about Spring that really puts a spring in your step as well. Even though the weather wasn’t that nice and the wind was extremely cold we still managed to get out for our morning walk and coffee. Which I think is a great way to start the day, especially when you are busy and on the go all day.
This month’s article is about how turmeric can help with bone health. I know that I have discussed this topic before but it’s something that has come up several times recently and I felt that it would be good to revisit it. Certainly, as we all get older, bone health becomes more important than ever. I know that when I broke my wrist that things could have been a lot worse if I hadn’t been taking my turmeric and my recovery would not have been as swift or as strong. So, I was very grateful for my turmeric.
We certainly seem to be heading into Spring with a bang. The temperatures here in Wauchope and surroundings have been summer type temperatures. Over the weekend it was up in the high 20⁰Cs (28⁰C) which makes me wonder what we are in for this summer. (As usual, the meteorologists are anything but helpful, one article I read says, “be ready for anything…” not much help there!) Anyway, rather than the recipe for a hot meal that I was going to do I thought that a nice smoothie recipe would be good to go. This is one of mine and Lexi’s favourite ones. Green smoothie with pineapple. I hope you enjoy it.

How Turmeric can Help with Osteoporosis
OSTEOPOROSIS is a very common bone disease, affecting up to 75% of people over the age of 70 in the UK (with similar figures in Australia) and responsible for up to 65,000 potentially fatal fractures.
Osteoporosis is caused by the weakening of bone throughout the body and although over 80% of sufferers are women it does affect men as well. As we age the rate at which our bones are renewed decreases whilst the rate at which they are reabsorbed appears to increase. This results in an imbalance, with bone strength declining, which can lead to an increased risk of fractures. It is a so called “silent disease” as often there are no obvious signs until a fracture happens.
Much research has been done over the years into the role of turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin in helping to overcome the problems associated with osteoporosis. In 2010 research by Wright et al showed turmeric rich in curcumin helped to prevent up to 50% of bone loss and also helped to preserve bone structure and connectivity. This was supported by research by Genoa University which showed that taking turmeric supplements could increase bone density by 7% over 6 months.
So how does turmeric help with osteoporosis? It appears that it works in two distinct ways. Firstly, our bones are reabsorbed by osteoclasts; curcumin appears to play a key role in slowing down the rate of production of these osteoclasts, thus slowing down the rate at which our bones are absorbed.
Secondly, it has a bone building and protective role by helping to increase the rate at which the osteoblasts – or building cells - are produced. This helps to bring about the same level of balance that we have when we are younger. Thus, helping to prevent the osteoporosis or even to reverse the effects, at least it will stop it from getting any worse.
The key to this, as reported by the scientists, is to take a top-quality turmeric supplement in which there is a good rate of absorption of the curcumin. Health2all Turmeric with it 6% curcumin and 8 unique digestive activators, including black pepper, coconut oil, cloves, ginger and green tea fits that description to a tee. So, don’t forget your daily does and help yourself to good strong bones and a healthy future. Health2all Turmeric capsules are listed with the T.G.A. Although Health2all Turmeric is safe and effective it is important that you speak with your preferred health professional before taking any new supplement.
Turmeric Kickstart Green Smoothie with Pineapple

Handful of spinach
1 tbsp lemon juice
Handful of mint
40 ml coconut cream
1 tbsp pineapple
100ml coconut water
1 tsp ginger juice (or a small knob of ginger finely chopped)
¼ avocado
1tsp Turmeric4U
1. Put all the ingredients in a blender.
2. Blitz until as smooth as required. You can add some ice if you want.
3. If you like it a little sweeter, do what my daughter, Lexi, did and add some extra pineapple. Play about with it.
4. Drink and enjoy.
This nutrient rich smoothie is a great way to kickstart your day and keep you going longer.
Enjoy. 😊

So, September is throwing us a curve ball and starting on a Sunday, which means that all my usual pairings are going to be thrown out. This means that not only you, but I as well, will need to keep a close eye on where I will be this month. It certainly keeps me alert on in a month like this. Fingers crossed that we get some more lovely weather for this September, and I hope to see you out and about the markets.
Sunday 1st Sept – Blackhead Bazaar – 8am – 1pm. Hopefully we will be back up and running at the Bazaar this month. I assume that I will be in my usual spot, so look out for my bright orange gazebo.
Saturday 7th Sept – Kempsey Market – 8am – 1pm. Down by the river. Hopefully, the weather gods will play nice this month and the day will be dry and sunny, like last month. It was very strange – but good – to be back on the grass.
Sunday 8th Sept – Forster Town Market - 8 am – 1pm. Near the campsite on Head Street. Great little market with a lot more than you expect.
Saturday 14th Sept - Gloucester Farmers Market - 9am – 1pm. Held at Billabong Park. Do come along to see me.
Sunday 15th Sept – Laurieton Market - 8am – 1pm down by the river on Short and Tunis Streets. Hopefully, this month it will be calm and sunny.
Saturday 21st Sept – Forster Farmers Market – 7am – 12pm – Down by the Police Station on Water Street. Now that there is more space this market is getting bigger and better.
Sunday 22nd Sept – Spring Festival Taree – 10am – 2pm Held down by the river at the Queen Elizabeth Park.
Saturday 28th Sept – Tuncurry Market – 8 am – 1pm See you over the bridge at the John Whiley Park. Plenty for the whole family and Marine Rescue do a great bacon and egg butty.
Sunday 29th Sept – Pacific Palms Market - 8am – 1pm. At Elizabeth Beach, another great market for all the family and dog friendly, so come along for a fun day out.
For those of you who can’t get to those markets all you need to do is ring me on 0406 036 845 or you can now go to my website – www.achealthysolutions.com.au and order from there, and I will arrange for it to be posted or delivered to you. The cost is the same as at the market and postage/delivery is free on all orders over $100 with a flat rate of $10 below that.

Yours in Health and Happiness
Alison Carroll
aka The Turmeric Lady
AC Healthy Solutions