Hi everyone and welcome to my May newsletter.
With the school holidays now over, life is beginning to settle back down to a slower pace of life. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting out and about, meeting lots of new customers, but 5 markets in a row is more than enough. Especially as I got thoroughly soaked a market number 2 and was very thankful that I had spare clothes in the van, so I didn’t have to do the one-hour drive home in soggy wet clothing!! 😊
Hopefully, the weather will play nice in May, and I won’t get wet again, though I have to say that the forecast for the start of the month is not what I would like. I know that we need rain, but I would be happy for it to be during the week or overnight. I’m sure that I’m not the only one that feels that way!!
Things are rather hectic at the moment and I’m having to deal with some family issues. Nothing to worry about, but it’s taking my time to help sort it out, so I’m afraid that I am running rather late with this month’s newsletter. I promise myself each month that I will get ahead of things and start mid-month, but I’m afraid to say that with all the extra markets and other things taking up my time that I am definitely running late this time.
All this talk of rain and getting wet, reminds me that my mother was always exhorting me to get on my coat and to not get wet as I would “catch my death of cold” and whilst that is an over exaggeration, even in the UK, let alone in Australia, where more often than not the rain is warm. As we approach the colder winter month’s it is advisable to look into ways of boosting your immune system. Which, guess what? Yes, turmeric is good for that as well as you will find in this month’s article and what better way to enjoy it that with a lovely Butter Chicken. 😊
Curcumin for your immune system
Immunity is your body's natural defense against disease causing bacteria and virus. It can considerably reduce the odds of you getting sick. Nutritionists and health experts have often pointed out how important it is to have good immunity. It's the holy grail of health - It can fight cold, cough and chest congestion, and also helps keep you away from bigger, more serious diseases and ailments.
A healthy diet, adequate sleep and exercise are all factors that strengthen your immune system but there is something else you can do to prevent your immunity dropping below the recommended levels and giving it a boost. And it is sitting comfortably in your spice cabinet - Turmeric, a yellow coloured and warm spice that comes from the root of the Curcuma plant.
Over the years, turmeric has become a popular ingredient for all those people who believe in healthy living. Though the western world came to realise the benefits of this wonder spice comparatively late, Indian kitchens have depended on turmeric or Haldi for centuries. It goes in almost every curry and savoury dish that is cooked, as it helps in the process of cooking and also adds nutritional value to it. Haldi is also consumed uncooked with milk and warm water or tea, to help combat cold or flu. It helps enhance the immunity and eliminate cold, cough and chest congestion.
According to research published in the journal PLOS ONE (Public Library of Science), curcumin, the main compound in turmeric is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that help boost immunity. Turmeric, which is anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial, is also pre-biotic and helps promote the growth of healthy bacteria in out gut. Turmeric is a powerful herb with over 300 nutrients including beta-carotene, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), calcium, flavonoids, fibre, iron, niacin, potassium, and zinc amongst others. But the active compound which has caught the attention of scientists’ is curcumin, for its inti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties especially. Absorption of curcumin into the body is enhanced by up to 2000 times by piperine, a compound present in black pepper.
Turmeric in its raw state is packed with several health benefits including immune-modulatory effects. It achieves this by modulating the activation of T cells, B cells, macrophages, and natural killer cells. Interestingly, curcumin at low doses can also enhance antibody responses. Studies conducted on curcumin and other bioactive components in turmeric, have reported its beneficial effects in various disease conditions by modulating the immune system.
Turmeric milk is considered as a magic elixir, especially by Indian mothers, to ward off the common cold and flu, particularly in children. as it is associated with the reduction in Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infections. As I’m sure you are well aware that my Health2ll organic turmeric has 6% curcumin as well as the added black pepper, with coconut oil to help its bioavailability and 5 other herbs and spices that all act as digestive activators ensuring that you absorb about 100% of the curcumin into your system So ensure that you you’re your Health2all turmeric daily and over time it should help to improve your immune system.
2 chicken breast skin off, sliced into medallions
· 1 large onion, diced ½ cup cream
· 1 tsp garlic, minced ½ cup chicken stock
· 1 tsp ginger, minced 5 spring onions, chopped
· 1 tomato, diced 2 tbsp tomato paste
· 1 ½ tsp garam masala 1 tsp chilli powder
· 1 tsp Health2all Turmeric
· ½ tsp curry powder
· 3 cardamom pods, seeds removed & ground
· 200ml sweet chilli sauce
In a large pan heat some oil & add onion, garlic, ginger & tomatoes. Sauté until onion becomes translucent
Add spices & sauté for further 2 minutes
Add tomato paste & chicken stock & bring to a boil
Add chicken breast & simmer for 10 – 15 minutes
Add sweet chilli sauce, cream & spring onion, stir & simmer for further 5 mins
Add the turmeric in at the end just before serving. We advise you do not cook it over 80˚C. Garnish with coriander leaves & serve with steamed basmati rice or roti bread & raita.
(Serves 4)
Enjoy. 😊
So, it’s finally time for Easter eggs and hot cross buns, yaaah. With Easter and then the school holidays you will find that there are some extra markets during the month, so I hope that I get to see lots of you down at one of them during the month.
We are now back to our usual run of markets. Extra markets are fun, but I like to know where I am for my next market! Hope to see you during the month. Let’s hope that the weekends are as sunny as in my picture. 😊
Saturday 4th May – Kempsey Market – 8am – 1pm. Down by the river. Hopefully, the weather gods will play nice this month and the day will be dry ad sunny.
Sunday 5th May – Blackhead Bazaar - 8am – 1pm. Great market for all the family, I will be along the top row as before. Again, fingers crossed for nice weather. 😊
Saturday 11th May - Gloucester Farmers Market - 9am – 1pm. Held at Billabong Park. Lots of great local produce and wines so, something for everyone.
Sunday 12th May – Forster Town Market - 8 am – 1pm. Near the campsite on Head Street.
Saturday 18th May - Forster Farmers Market – 7am – 12pm Still in the same place where the Visitors Centre, used to be. Now spread out in front of the Court House as well due to the demolition.
Sunday 19th May – Laurieton Market - 8am – 1pm down by the river on Short and Tunis Streets.
Saturday 25th May – Tuncurry Market – 8 am – 1pm See you over the bridge at the John Whiley Park. Marine Rescue do a great bacon and egg butty. 😊
Sunday 26th May – Pacific Palms Market - 8am – 1pm. At Elizabeth Beach, another great market for all the family and dog friendly, so come along for a fun day out.
For those of you who can’t get to those markets all you need to do is ring me on 0406 036 845 or you can now go to my website – www.achealthysolutions.com and order from there, and I will arrange for it to be posted or delivered to you. The cost is the same as at the market and postage/delivery is free on all orders over $100 with a flat rate of $8 below that.

Yours in Health and Happiness
Alison Carroll
aka The Turmeric Lady
AC Healthy Solutions