Hi everyone and welcome to my April newsletter.
Happy Easter.
I hope that you are well and not getting too wet from all this rain! I know my garden loves it, but as my gazebo is now sitting outside as I try to get it all dry and the windows of my car are down in an attempt to get that dry as well, as far as work is concerned, I would LOVE a few dry sunny weekends. 😊 So, fingers crossed that things will be drier and sunnier in April, especially as it’s school holidays again and I will be doing quite a few extra markets. Do check out the list at the end of my newsletter to see where I will be and hopefully, I will get to see you during the month.

I was recently watching a Vlog on YouTube and they were talking about how turmeric can help with diabetes, I know that I often mention that turmeric can help the body to balance your blood sugar, but it can also offer so many more benefits. So, I have done my article this month on the ways that curcumin may be able to help all of us with our blood sugar and its balance not just those who are diabetic or pre- diabetic. Balancing your blood sugar is of vital importance in maintaining your overall good health, so do check it out.
Last time I did a cauliflower recipe, it proved to be very popular, so I have tried a new one for you. I do need to give a shout – out to James Yates for this one as it was, he and his great team who created the wonderful Turmeric Chai that I now sell, since the other one I used to supply was discontinued. James came to my rescue with this wonderful organic turmeric Chai. There are definitely times that you need to think outside of the box, and this is one of those times. To use; the chai in a savoury dish rather than a sweet one is awesome. 😊
So, fingers crossed for a nice sunny April, and I hope to see you at one of my 14 markets this month!!
Can Turmeric help with Diabetes?
Turmeric has been used for thousands of years not only as a food but in Ayurvedic medicine to help with many ailments including inflammation and oxidative stress both of which appear to play a role in diabetes. For this reason, doctors believe that turmeric, and more importantly, the active ingredient, curcumin, could play an active role in helping those with diabetes. In a study in Complementary and Alternative Medicine over 200 research papers were found looking at how turmeric/curcumin could help people with diabetes in different ways, including possibly improving insulin resistance and cholesterol levels.
Some studies have shown that turmeric may help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels as curcumin has been shown to have a positive effect on high blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity.
Another way that turmeric may be able to help is to help protect against the development of diabetes by helping to improve the function of the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. This in turn would help those with pre-diabetes slow down or reverse the development of this condition, as well as help reduce the amount of medication needed by those already with the disease.
Not only that but curcumin may also help to reduce the risk or severity of some diabetes related complications.
Liver health is important for everyone, and a fatty liver can be a problem especially for diabetics. Curcumin has been shown to help with a range of liver problems.
Another problem that can be exacerbated by diabetes is heart disease and several studies have shown that turmeric can help to lower the levels of both total cholesterol and the low-density lipoprotein or “bad” cholesterol. Which is good news for us all.
Also, high blood sugar levels can lead to nerve damage called neuropathy. This can affect things like digestion, peripheral pain in fingers and toes, eye problems and cognitive deficits. Studies with curcumin have shown that this amazing spice may be able to help with all these conditions. It may also help reduce the severity of erectile dysfunction, diabetic kidney disease and help with many forms of arthritis.
Wound healing is another area which is important for those with diabetes, as this can cause a risk of infection leading to further complications. Again, turmeric has been shown to help with this by protecting the vascular system and is well known in Asian countries for its healing properties.
Scientists believe that Type 1 diabetes is caused by the body’s own immune system attacking the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. A study in 2014 found that curcumin might be able to adjust the overactive immune system of people with Type 1 diabetes by lowering the bodies T- cell response (which is part of the immune system). By helping to strengthen the immune system curcumin could help on many levels.
Be sure to check with your healthcare professional before adding my Health2all Turmeric to your diet, but for anyone with diabetes or even pre-diabetes it could be a game changer.
Taken from Medical News Today Newsletter
Roasted Turmeric Chai Cauliflower Recipe
The warm chai spices pair perfectly with the earthy turmeric and roasted cauliflower.
3 tablespoons coconut oil (melted)
2 teaspoons of CurQone™ Turmeric Chai powder or Health2all Turmeric Powder
2 large cloves garlic, minced
2 large cauliflowers
1-2 teaspoons lemon juice
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground pepper.
Pre-heat your oven to 220°C.
Wash each cauliflower, chop into small florets, and place them on a large baking tray.
Mix the coconut oil, CurQone™ Turmeric Chai powder (or Turmeric powder), salt, pepper and garlic in a large bowl and then coat each cauliflower with the mixture.
Place in the oven and roast until browned and tender, about 15 to 25 minutes.
Drizzle lemon juice over the cauliflower.

A few changes this month to keep all of us on our toes. Looking forward to the weather being nice and to get out and meet lots of current and new customers. 😊
Saturday 1st Apr – Taree Taste Fest – 10am – 8pm. Held down by the river at Queen Elizabeth Park. It’s going to be a long day, so I hope to see you there.
Sunday 2nd Apr – Blackhead Bazaar - 8am – 1pm. Held in the Wylie Breckenridge Park. With my bright orange gazebo roof, I’m not too hard to find.
Saturday 8th Apr – Gloucester Mega Market - 8am – 1pm. Held at Billabong Park.
Sunday 9th Apr – Forster Town Market - 8 am – 1pm. Near the campsite on Head Street.
Monday 10th Apr – Harrington Market – 8am – 1pm On the water by the Bowling Club
Wednesday 12th Apr Scotts Head Market 3pm – 8pm – down on the green by the camp site
Thursday 13th Apr – Hat Head Market – 3pm – 8pm. Down by the bowling Club. It’s good to be back 😊
Saturday 15th Apr – Forster Farmers Market -7am – 12pm Great little market held by The Visitors Centre.
Sunday 16th Apr – Laurieton Market - 8am – 1pm down by the river on Short and Tunis Streets.
Wednesday 19th Apr Scotts Head Market 3pm – 8pm – down on the green by the camp site
Thursday 20th Apr – Hat Head Market – 3pm – 8pm. Down by the bowling Club.
Saturday 22nd Apr – Tuncurry Market – 8 am – 1pm See you over the bridge at the John Whiley Park.
Sunday 23rd Apr – Old Bar Community Market 8am – 1pm Held down by the skate Park. It’s been a while since I was able to get to Old Bar, so it will be good to come along.
Sunday 30th Apr – Pacific Palms Market - 8am – 1pm. At Elizabeth Beach, another great market for all the family and dog friendly, so come along for a fun day out.
For those of you who can’t get to those markets all you need to do is ring me on 0406 036 845 or you can now go to my website – www.achealthysolutions.com and order from there, and I will arrange for it to be posted or delivered to you. The cost is the same as at the market and postage/delivery is free on all orders over $100 with a flat rate of $8 below that.